Maria's Journey

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by Ramon Arredondo & Trisha (Hull) Arredondo

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"This is the true story of Maria's immigration to and life in the United States. Immigration status colors every scene, adding to the story of deportation and citizenship, generational problems unique to new immigrants, and a miraculous message of hope."

Born into the Mexican Revolution, Maria Perez entered an arranged marriage at age fourteen to Miguel Arredondo. The couple and their tiny daughter immigrated to the United States in the 1920s, living in a boxcar while Miguel worked for a Texas railroad eventually settling in East Chicago, Indiana, where Miguel worked for Inland Steel. Their story includes much of early-twentieth-century America: the rise of the unions, the plunge into the Great Depression, the patriotism of World War II, and the starkness of McCarthyism. It is flavored by delivery men hawking fruit and ice, street sports, and Saturday matinees that began with newsreels. Immigration status colors every scene, adding to their story, deportation and citizenship, generational problems unique to new immigrants, and a miraculous message of hope.
"This story is not simply history, it is a living experience still unfolding
in cities and towns across America."
~Prof. Daniel Arreola, Arizona State University
Maria's Journey Reviews:
Ramon and Trisha Arredondo have written "Maria's Journey," a truly inspiring biography of Mexican-American matriarch Maria Perez Arredondo. ~ James B. Lane, Special to the Times
Que Viva Indiana article on Maria's Journey August 2013 Issue (PAGE 28):
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"I bought the book Maria's Journey, WOW.....started reading your book and I couldn't put it down.....I am gradually working my way through all the Pulitzer Prize winning books, has Maria's Journey ever been put forward for consideration?"

~Maureen C., Newport Shropshire England

"Thank you, thank you for writing MARIA'S JOURNEY!  Reading it has meant the world to me.  I am a fast reader, but this book I chose to savor slowly, often rereading passages. You make the scenes come alive..." 


~Elizabeth H., Asheville,NC

"MARIA'S JOURNEY was like I was reading my own story.  It is written so well, couldn't wait to share it with my daughter so she could see what our ancestors went through to get where we are today." 

~Eleanor, Keizer, OR

" I am originally from Ireland and  just became a citizen here in 2012.  Maria's story was like the beginning of my own story when I first came to America.  I want to share your book with my own children and hope it will inspire them to learn more of their own heritage."

~Lorna, Keizer, OR

"I enjoyed this book so much I actually read it twice! The story is very moving and relates the struggles of a poor family trying to make a better life for their children. Well written and easy to read. I highly recommend it!"

~Carmen B.

"This is one of the best books I have read for a long time. I would certainly recommend it and will probably reread it."
~Alison W.