Maria's Journey



Home to the book Maria's Journey  
by Ramon Arredondo & Trisha (Hull) Arredondo

August 2010


    Published by the Indiana Historical Society

Ramon Arredondo’s career has spanned the fields of law enforcement, administration, public policy, and business. Currently, he serves as a commissioner of the Ports of Indiana.

Trisha (Hull) Arredondo began her career as an educator before becoming a successful advocate for health care and education for women, children and immigrants.

If you are interested in learning more about the Ramon and Trisha Hull Arredondo Educational fund, go to Ramon and Trisha Hull Educational Scholarship page.


Now we have a favor to ask.  Funds for marketing are scarce at best.  One way you can help to “get the word out” is to tell friends about the book AND to create a “Customer Review” on Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites.

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***  Type in search area: MARIA’S JOURNEY.  Then click MARIA’S JOURNEY image; click on “Write a Customer Review” …then write your thoughts.



If you have read MARIA’S JOURNEY and are interested in having us speak to your class, club, religious or other group, check our website, and click on REQUEST  PAGE. (We can present in English and Spanish.)  The website will also give you information on The Ramon and Trisha Hull Arredondo Scholarship Education Fund, pictures of the programs we have presented and back stories, articles and reviews about authors and the book.

PS: We would love to hear from you as well.  And check out our new pages on “Fav's” and “Q&A for Readers.”